Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant (LREBG) Resources

New Resources to Help Meet Recent LREBG Requirements

The Geographic Lead Agencies created a Needs Assessment Workbook template with curated evidence-based resources to support school districts and charter schools with the new requirements related to LREBG as required by Education Code 32526 as amended by Senate Bill 153 in June 2024. New LREBG requirements apply ONLY to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) that have LREBG funds remaining. The funds can be expended in school years 2025–26, 2026–27, and 2027–28, which are subject to a needs assessment and need to be included in the LCAP.  Any LEA that anticipates having LREBG funds remaining in the 2025–26 school year must begin the needs assessment during the 2024-2025 school year to ensure that needs are identified, and evidence-based practices are selected as part of the LCAP development process in collaboration with educational partners. 

The resources linked below including a multi-tab workbook, training slide deck, and training video, are provided to support LEAs in meeting these requirements. These are recommended resources and not required but intended to support LEAs with addressing new requirements within including the needs assessment and selection of evidence-based practices. The downloadable workbook is not intended to be submitted, posted, or appended to the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). 


For more information about LREBG, including funding and reporting, please visit the LREBG Program Information Webpage on the California Department of Education website.

For questions regarding LREBG, please contact the following at the California Department of Education:

Needs Assessment and Resources:
System of Support Office
[email protected] 

Interim Expenditure Reports:
School Improvement and Support Office
[email protected]

LCAP Template and Instructions:
Local Agency Systems Support Office
[email protected]